Training Philosophy

Dr. B  promotes the Three Es – Enhancing Competence, Expanding Self-Care, and Engaging in Community Care. These elements are essential for career sustainability. Dr. B offers training across a number of platforms.

Her practice, Mountain View Mental Health, LLC  is an American Psychological Association Approved Continuing Education Sponsor.

Enhancing Competency

The greater mastery we have of our clinical skills, the more confident we are in our clinical decision-making and the better we are able to sleep at night. Dr. B’s trainings focus on building competency in working with high risk, difficult-to-treat, and interpersonally complex populations. She starts by reviewing research and theory to support a strong empirical understanding of the hows and whys different interventions are effective and when and how to use them. She then models nuanced applications that weave together the art and science of healthcare.

Expanding Self-Care

Self-care is more than bubble baths and scented candles (though sometimes that is quite lovely).  Rather, self-care is learning about ourselves, our limits, our joys, what makes us tick, how we celebrate the wins, and our cues that we’re facing burnout, compassion fatigue, or moral injury, so we can then take the necessary steps to take a break, regroup, get support, and/or make needed changes. Dr. B provides recommendations and strategies for practicing such self-reflective work and identifying how to cope in the face of our post-pandemic, managed-care world.

Engaging in Community-Care

Western capitalist ideologies predicate that healing must be done at the individual level, by ourselves; that asking for help is a weakness and that maintaining productivity is primary. Meanwhile, we are not meant to do this work alone! Working in a healing profession takes a unique toll and we must come together to debrief, to process, to learn, to grow, and to heal ourselves. Dr. B proposes multiple ways of exploring community and strives to offer it in each of her trainings. 

Training Platforms


Pre-recorded lectures available on your schedule!

Upcoming Events

See where Dr. B will be teaching next.  Includes invited lectures and events hosted by Dr. B. 

Customized Learning

Collaborate with Dr. B to create the training best suited to your clinic’s needs.